Sleep in Albertville MN

SLEEP in Albertville MN

Sleep in Albertville MN

Sleep is a very complex physiological process that is vitally necessary for our bodies to express health.

Although the process is not well understood by scientists, it is safe to say that sleep in Albertville MN is an absolute necessity in order for our bodies to thrive. During a workshop, I learned that our society is sleeping approximately 25% less than it was just 100 years ago. Over one year, this adds up to approximately 119 lost nights of sleep.

It is important to understand that at different ages, we have different sleep requirements.

If we look at the sleep patterns of an adult compared to an infant, can see that the number of hours of sleep as well as the times of day that sleep is required differ greatly. As an adult, we require approximately 8 hours of sleep. As an infant, that is almost reversed in that a child requires approximately 18 hours of sleep.

When we lose sleep, our bodies are unable to function at the high levels that everyday life demands. Sleep loss affects our brains most of all. In the same workshop referenced earlier, they explained that sleep deprivation most negatively affects the thalamus, prefrontal cortex and the inferior parietal lobes. These areas of the brain are mostly responsible for decision making, attention span and learning.

Sleep deprivation also affects our body’s stress hormones.

When deprived of sleep, the body responds with elevated stress hormones, like Cortisol and it down-regulates Growth Hormone production. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone which breaks down lean muscle and Growth Hormone is an anabolic hormone that has been shown to facilitate both the muscle building/recovery process and fat loss.

There are many effective ways to ensure that you are providing your body with the sleep it requires. Regular exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on sleeping patterns. As little as 30 minutes is recommended, but it is important to allow a few hours between the completion of a workout and sleep. Also, limiting caffeine intake will help to get more sleep and better quality sleep. Caffeine actually raises blood pressure and heart rate, and increases adrenaline causing a feeling of anxiety or excitement. Caffeine also blocks adenosine receptors. Adenosine is “crucially involved in the promotion of sleep.”

Another way to ensure adequate sleep is to create a comfortable sleeping environment in Albertville MN.

There are many things that come into play when attempting to control the environment. Ideally, the sleeping environment should be approximately 65° F and approximately 65% humidity. Also, noise should be at a consistent level. If you live near train tracks or have other sudden loud noises, try using a fan to create a steady sound, thus limiting the effects of sudden noises. Also, minimizing light promotes quality sleep habits. Melatonin, a sleep hormone, is released in darkness. By creating a space that has minimal bright lights, you are allowing your body to produce as much melatonin as it requires for sufficient sleep.

Regular sleeping patterns and habits will also promote quality sleep. By setting a routine, you eliminate the need for adaptation. Your sleep routine should include; a set bed time and wake time, a period of relaxation prior to sleep and a gentle waking process. Activities, like reading in yellow shaded light, are recommended.

Contact us at Summit Chiropractic and Wellness Center, LLC to learn more about achieving health and wellness!


9:00am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:00am - 10:00am

Saturday & Sunday

Summit Chiropractic and Wellness Center, LLC

11004 57th St NE Suite 100
Albertville, MN 55301

(763) 515-6177